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The Best Tracking Tools for Affiliate Marketing Success

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

The use of internet marketing by businesses is increasing in order to reach their target audiences and boost sales. Online marketers increasingly use tracking tools to gain insight into their campaigns and decide where to invest their efforts.

Choosing the proper tracking tools can make all the difference to your success. These are some of the top tracking tools available for online marketing today: Google Analytics: Another popular tracking tool today is Google Analytics. This tool lets you measure your website/blog's performance, including page views, visitor engagement, and conversion rate. It is also free and very easy to use.

Kissmetrics measures customer engagement and website behaviour. It tells you what customers do after they leave your site. Plus, it has powerful segmentation tools.

Mixpanel lets you track your website engagement. Mixpanel tracks signups, purchases, and page views. Using its powerful segmentation features, you can segment your data more effectively.

The Clicky app also tracks user behaviour. it tracks page views, mouse movements, & clicks. This will assist you in getting a better view of what your visitors are doing on your site. Cool!

Crazy Egg: Crazy Egg is a heat mapping tool that can help you understand how visitors are interacting with your website. It shows you where people are clicking and how they’re navigating your site, so you can make changes to improve the user experience.

Google Tag Manager lets you track and manage all your web tags. Tags may be added, edited, and deleted with ease so you can obtain more accurate tracking data and can better measure your campaigns.

Leadpages: This is a great tool for tracking leads and conversions. With this, you can create custom landing pages and track conversions so you can figure out what's driving leads and sales. In addition, it integrates with a lot of much-used marketing and analytics tools.


These are just a few of the tracking tools out there. When you have the right tools, you can make informed decisions about your campaigns and maximize your success.

If you’re looking for more information on tracking tools for internet marketing, check out this blog post from Free Help for Affiliate Marketers, here we cover the basics of tracking, as well as the best free and paid tracking tools. Be sure to check it out to get started on the right track.

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