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10 Proven Strategies to find High-Converting Longtail Keywords to Skyrocket Your Affiliate Marketing

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Getting started in affiliate marketing can be challenging, but it is one of the most popular ways to make money online. A blog post targeting a specific longtail keyword is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your affiliate website.

Whenever people are searching for information, they type longtail keywords into search engines. You can use these keywords to attract targeted traffic to your blog by making them longer and more specific than broad keywords.

You can use these longtail keywords to write blog posts for affiliate marketing in this blog post.

Make use of Google Suggest

Google Suggest is a feature that provides suggestions for searches based on what you type into the search bar. You can use Google Suggest to find longtail keywords by typing in a broad keyword related to your niche or topic. Longtail keyword suggestions like these can be very helpful.

For example, if your niche is "fitness," you could type "fitness" into the search bar and see what Google suggests. Some of the suggestions that come up might be "fitness equipment," "fitness tracker," "fitness apparel," and "fitness tips." These suggestions can give you some great ideas for longtail keywords to use in your blog posts.

2. Use a keyword research tool

Keyword research tools are another great way to find longtail keywords. There are many keyword research tools available, such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner. These tools can help you find longtail keywords that are relevant to your niche and have low competition.

To use a keyword research tool, simply enter a broad keyword related to your niche, and the tool will provide you with a list of related keywords, including longtail keywords. These longtail keywords can be used to create targeted blog posts that are more likely to be looked upon well by search engines.

3. Take a look at your competitors

Another way to find longtail keywords for your blog posts is to look at your competitors. Check out your competitors' blogs to see what longtail keywords they are targeting. This can give you some good ideas for your own blog posts.

For example, if you are in the fitness niche, you might find that others are targeting longtail keywords such as "best fitness equipment," "top fitness tips," and "fitness apparel reviews." These longtail keywords can give you some fantastic insights for your own blog posts.

4. Answer questions

One of the best ways to find longtail keywords for your blog posts is to answer common questions related to your niche. These questions can be used as longtail keywords.

For example, if you are in the fitness niche, you might craft a blog post that answers the question "what are the best exercises for building muscle?" This longtail keyword can help you attract targeted traffic to your blog from people who are searching for information about building muscle.

5. Use specific location names

When targeting a specific location, such as a city or state, including the location name in your longtail keywords. This can help you attract targeted traffic from people who are searching for information about your location.

To attract people searching for information about gyms in Los Angeles, you might target the longtail keyword "best gym in Los Angeles" if you operate a gym in the fitness niche.

6. Use specific product names

Use the product name in your longtail keywords if you are promoting specific products. When people search for information about the products you are promoting, you can attract targeted traffic from them.

For example, if you are in a tech niche and you are promoting a specific brand of laptop, you might target the longtail keyword "best laptop for gaming" to attract those searching for this information.

7. Make use of modifiers

To make longtail keywords more targeted and specific, you can add modifiers. Modifiers include "best," "top," "review," "comparison," "guide," and "tips."

To attract people who are looking for the best hair care products for curly hair, you might target the longtail keyword "best hair care products for curly hair" if you are in the beauty niche.

8. Consider visitors' search intent

The purpose of a search online is known as search intent. You can create longtail keywords that match search intent by understanding what people are looking for.

A potential customer searching for "best coffee makers" is likely looking to buy a coffee maker. If a person is searching for "how to make coffee," they are most likely looking for instructions on how to make coffee. You can attract targeted traffic to your blog by creating longtail keywords that mirror what visitors are searching for.

9. Use long-tail keyword phrases

A long-tail keyword phrase is three or more words long, is highly targeted, and has a low level of competition. Long-tail keyword phrases can increase your chances of ranking well in search engines and attract targeted traffic to your blog.

In order to attract people who are searching for information about working out at home, you might use a long-tail keyword phrase like "best fitness equipment for home workouts." instead of the broad keyword "fitness."

8. Use industry-specific jargon

If your niche has industry-specific jargon, use these terms as longtail keywords. By doing this, you can attract targeted traffic from people who are familiar with the terminology.

If you are in the finance niche, you might target the longtail keyword "what is a 401k rollover" to attract people who know what it means.


A blog that uses longtail keywords has a great chance of attracting targeted traffic. These tips for finding longtail keywords related to your niche will help you write targeted blog posts that will attract readers who are interested in your services.

You should be patient and consistent with your blogging efforts because longtail keywords can take some time to rank in search engines. Over time, as you create more targeted content that uses longtail keywords, you should see an increase in traffic and affiliate sales.

So, start targeting longtail keywords today and watch your affiliate marketing business grow!

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